YouTube Vlogs

At the start of June 2010, I decided to start up a vlog on YouTube. It was a suggestion from a friend of mine that all my other friends were in favour of. This was pretty much how it came to be.

I'm not the most verbally expressive person. That is to say, I don't usually talk a whole lot. So maybe, as this blog has helped my written expression, my YouTube vlog will help my verbal.

As an amateur video editor using iMovie, I try to make videos that make me smile or laugh and I hope they're entertaining to you as well. So, be sure to check out Symplicity Me and subscribe if any of my videos make you smile! =)

Below you'll find the three latest videos that I've uploaded.

Latest Videos
2012! And resolutions...

Healthy Weekend Ahead

AnimeKon 2k11 Highlights

(You know you want to)