Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's A Beach Thing!

I had an amazing time at the beach today! It was a little lime we had going on for the first and second years to interact a bit more than we do at school...a casual setting for us to get along. =] Not a whole lot of people turned up but we all still had a lot of fun. I guess those who decided to stay home and do work missed out! =P

So I was watching the sunset this evening too. It was absolutely gorgeous and the horizon was totally clear of clouds. I always hear about the green flash that occurs just as the sun dips under the horizon but I didn't see it! I'm pretty sure people have told me that they've seen it but I didn't and I was making sure not to blink and everything! Quite the disappointment. =( So either this green flash doesn't exist or I was looking at the sun for too long as it was setting. I'll go with the former. =)

The last time the beach saw me was during August, if I remember correctly. So far it's seen me twice for the year! Amazing, huh? I live on an island with such wonderful beaches and yet I don't visit them often. Maybe once a year...three times if I really bother. It's nice though. I got me a sweet little tan today...hopefully no burns. =]

Hopefully, the next lime that's organised with the first and second years will have a much better turn would most likely be an end-of-semester sort of thing. But I'll most likely not get to go since I leave the island the day after our final exam. *sigh* Aw well.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Living Life

"Looking at the hand of time we've been given here
This is all we've got and we've gotta start picking it
Every second counts on a clock that's ticking"
[The Script - Live Like We're Dying]

Life is such a precious gift granted to us and we don't have a whole lot of time to live it.
"We've only got 86 400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or throw it all away"
[The Script - Live Like We're Dying]
A lot of people spend such an incredible amount of time being depressed and "in the blue" and forget that there are others around them who care for them. It's understandable to feel a little down when certain events occur. It's unreasonable to
believe that there's something so wrong with you that you believe your existence is nothing but a hindrance in the life of others.
"He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on the solid ground and steadied me as I walked along"
[Psalm 40:2, NLT]
Death remains a mystery. Does one really get the freedom one looks for in death? Or does one suffer much agony if one takes one's life? I'm in no rush to find out.
"We never know a good thing till it's gone
You never see a crash until it's head on"
[The Script - Live Like We're Dying]
There are so many great things on Earth to live for. Adventures, mysteries, sights and wonders of the earth and universe in the sky above, goals, family, friends...even strangers. It is my goal to become the best person I can be to help others...friends and strangers alike...because the life of another means the world to me. Sometimes just a simple "hello" is all the comfort a person needs.

What happens next? No one can really know. But I look forward to it each step a take, over the good stones and the bad.

So tell me, what are you living for?

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Belated Bloggerversary!


I completely forgot something totally important yesterday! I'm so ashamed of myself =[

Sunday, October 18th was this blog's first birthday! The first anniversary since the first blog entry. Ah such fond memories...Funny enough, this entry makes the first entry after the 100th. If this made the 100th entry instead of the 101st then that would be way cool but this works well too: the first entry after the bloggerversary!

It's a wonderfully happy [belated] bloggerversary to Symplicity Me! We made it through a year! *jumps for joy*

Unfortunately, in all my forgetfulness and, of course, lack of time, I've had no time to make up any pretty gifts/banners to celebrate the occasion. Oh well. It'll have to wait for next year! But this lovely photo will do for now =]

Be happy and excited with me! xD

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Show Not To Be Forgotten!

I think I've been complaining more than I'd like to lately. And I haven't made an entry in ages! I've got something nice. Why? Because I saw something awesome.

In honour of the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, the Guangdong Arts Group is travelling to Dominica, Barbados and Grenada from the Guangdong Province of China.

The performances were just...excellent! There was acrobatics, music, dancing, singing, magic (not the lame kind) and martial arts. Super enjoyable. And it didn't cost much either but that's because the group wasn't really doing it for money. I've been so excited about it that I've been telling everyone who didn't go and I've been showing off pictures and everything!

Balance & strength...and lots of it!

These shows aren't really anything new to me. I've got China's Central Television 9 (CCTV9) on my cable so I always watch this show called Center Stage. Basically shows concerts (boring and not-so-boring), some of the best works of some famous chinese musicians, choreographers etc and the best performances at galas and festivals. Festivals and galas have acrobatics, music, singing and dancing so it was like watching 3 episodes of Center Stage (it runs for 30 mins) but in person! So it was quite exciting. It's always a different feel when your actually there for the experience. =D

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rants & Anger

She speaks as if she knows what she's talking about and the class corrects her. The actual answer to her own question is the opposite to what she was saying. Her response followed: "I guess I didn't sleep well last night." One of a number of excuses she's given in the past. One to add to the list. "It's too early. My brain must be still sleeping." or "It's Friday." are among this list.

And she says it with a laugh. I'm sorry but I'm not laughing with her. I can't laugh off the fact that my education is in the hands of a woman who cannot teach the things that I require for my degree...for my career...for my future.

No teacher has ever pissed me off before. I'm so annoyed at her and I really just want her gone from my life. I don't want to hear her. I don't want to see her. I don't want any reminders of her existence. I want someone who can teach me. I care about my education. If I didn't have to attend 80% of my classes, I'd never show up to hers.

I'm so sick and tired of this.