Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Parang! Parang!

Parang: derived from the Spanish word "parranda" (meaning "spree"), it is folk music originating from Trinidad & Tobago. With influences from the Caribbean and Latin America, parang is played mainly around the Christmas season.

Parang bands consist of a number of singers accompanied by a number of instruments including: violin, guitar, tambourine, maracas (chac chac), claves (toc-toc), box bass and mandolin.

Having lived my childhood in Trinidad, I'm rather attached to many things Trinidadian. One of them being parang. It's lively and the fun of the music is absolutely contagious. My Trinidadian family is really big on parang...in fact they've formed a band and they go around playing at little venues around Trinidad: the Homer Parranderos. I only met them a few years ago but they're quite a lively bunch of folks. The band's made up of a single family unit, a rather large family unit: parents and their many children of varying ages.

I found Sharlene Flores' parang CD! Haha. I'm so glad we still have it =]

I was at the Drive In last Saturday to watch New Moon, and I heard parang on the Drive In's radio station and it made me reminiscent. It's pretty old parang music but I loved it anyway..after all, what's better than the traditional folk music? It was so much fun to hear! And it was only when I heard parang that I felt Christmas coming.

After all, parang is played mainly around Christmas in Trinidad. It's fun and festive and Christmasy. =]

Now that Independence has passed and December is here, I woke up to some Christmas tunes coming over the air waves.

Hello December!

1 comment:

Mario said...

lol clearly something i have never ever in my life heard. It's good to learn something new every once in a while.