Sunday, August 22, 2010

Letting Go of The Unnecessities

A lot of people are caught up in their lives doing the most trivial things. These are the things that keep them busy all day long but what purpose does it serve, apart from consuming our precious time? What does it really benefit?
"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - Carl Sandburg
There are so many small distractions that make perfect time wasters, wasting time by the hour. Facebook applications, reading up on the lives of celebrities, website after website, what purpose do these really serve? Will these benefit us or the people around us?

This year, I've become more involved in a lot of things. Now a certified biofeedback technician and treasurer of the Medical Students' Association has given me more responsibilities to aid, not only for my own life, but the lives of so many individuals. As a result, I've started giving up much of these trivial time-wasting things.

I've deleted a number of Facebook applications, leaving one which I know I'll be deleting soon enough. I no longer care about what happens in the lives of celebrities. They live their lives however they please and there's no need for me to waste my time reading up and watching videos about them on fan-based websites. What's the point? If someone tells me about it, then so be it but I will no longer give my time to these things.

There are still many things to let go of...I'm slowly letting go one by one. The fan-based celebrity websites were the first to go, followed by my recent deletion spree of applications on Facebook. Needless to say, I've had a few friends say something to me about the deleting.
This is Earth and it's moon seen from Mercury. Image from Discovery.

When you see things like this, you realise that Earth, in itself, is such a minuscule blob in an expansive galaxy which, among galaxies, is small. Why do we dwell on the unimportant? Why not dwell on the beneficial? Why do we search for ways to waste time when we can spend it wisely instead? How about you pick up that hobby you've been dying to do again? How about you learn a new language? Why not prune those abilities and give them a polish? If you don't feel you're particularly good at anything then maybe you'll want to look to discover that thing you're good at. We're all good at one thing, whether you know what it is or not.

It may be a small world we live in but I'd like to be able to make a difference in it. After all, I only have one life and a short one at that.

Did you know that Earth and it's moon appear as a double planet from Mercury?


*~Neesh~* said...

I love this post!
I started feeling like I was wasting my time like a few wks after the start of summer. I sat down and thought long about myself and my life, and which direction it was going in. I decided to get out there more and become more involved with different activities instead of just sitting behind a computer screen waiting for someone to come online or devoting so much time to celebrities that don't even know that I exist.
It's been a welcome change for me, and the benefits i am reaping are boundless, making me a well-rounded individual =]

Amy said...

Yay! I'm so glad for you Neesh! =]

Indeed, people waste so much time looking up what's going on with celebrities everyday...all the time. It's one thing to have a fan...but it's another to have your entire life and rumours about you distributed throughout the internet. Crazy stuff. I feel so bad for them! We can be fans without actually going insane to know every single unnecessary detail about their lives, you know?

But it's really such a rewarding feeling to have achieved something valuable in life! Like planning a graduation and watching it come off so successfully and hear all sorts of praises from the Dean xD And I'm having a blast planning out freshers week for med freshmen! =D

*~Neesh~* said...

That's rly great! =]
You are right, it is such a rewarding feeling!