Here's a very brief, non-detailed description of the first week here. ^_^
Got coconut water from a roadside stall in St. Augustine. Ate the coconut jelly. Delicious. Ran some errands. Went to Trincity. Ran more errands. Went to Digicel. Got an inexpensive prepaid cellphone. Now I walk around like most other Trinidadians: with two cellphones.
Met a friend of my Dad's. Called up some friends. Sorted out some movie plans.
Rediscovered Pokemon on Cartoon Network. Spent some time at my Dad's office while he worked during the afternoon.
Took a drive into Port-of-Spain to run some errands. Was cool. Sat in with my Dad's evening appointments. Was quite interesting. Learnt one very important thing: must review first year work.
Went to the radio station with my Dad to do a radio show (him, not me). Met up with Danny. Went to Movietowne. Watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince after we browsed Movietowne. It didn’t feel as long as it really was, which is good I think. Didn’t feel like there was much going on in the movie…which is probably why it felt like a normal length movie as opposed to 2 ½ hours.

It's been a pretty quiet trip so far...more or less.
Ooo i love coconut jelly, i remember when i went to St.Marteen, and the coconuts were hugeee! I was pleasantly suprised.
The HP movie, i duno, i felt a tad disappointed for some reason. I hope they come out with a bang for the next HP movie though =)
I commented earlier on the heartbreak this movie caused me. Just to go drive-in and waste gas for this to spend some time with my buddy elwyn tho yay!! guy's night :)
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