Time is a precious commodity that, once lost, cannot be regained.

The majority of teenagers and young adults choose to remain awake until the wee hours of the morning. Why? A common excuse: "I'm afraid I'll miss out on something important." However, whatever happens at night, is bound to be reported during the day...for those who were asleep. Does this mean that those spouting this excuse think that nothing happens during the day? And what could be worth putting your body's circadian rhythm out of tune? One can't possibly think that it does any good for the body's health, or am I wrong?
I'd say that excuse is pretty lousy, but then, all excuses are. Why wait until the last minute to do important stuff? Procrastinating until the night before a deadline to get around to "studying" for an exam or to rush to start and complete a project/assignment in a single night? Some people say that this works for them, but I'm fairly sure it's not something that can work for everything.
I was once a crammer. It worked incredibly well for me. Studying? That wasn't something I could manage easily. Now, where cramming once got me a B or A, I'll barely get passes. Studying is a habit that I had to learn. If I play around for just a week, I'll only be giving myself a hard time catching up. Trying to reclaim time that was merely wasted. Of course, I don't overwork myself. It does me no good to run my brain till it shuts down.
Limitation is key to good time management. I just think that some people shouldn't push their luck and suffer the consequences of it. Straighten up your priorities, get rid of bad habits and set your mind to it. Don't say "It's not that easy". It's as hard as you want it to be. Limitations are good...but only in your lifestyle.
Don't limit your possibilities. After all, without our dreams, what would we be living for?
Ooo this entry hit right to home... i'm one of those people that is always afraid tht if i go to sleep early i'll miss something, but i'm trying to curb myself out of it and maybe prioritize like spend less of my valuable hours on msn and doing something productive like studying, and after all, it is good to let ppl miss u once in a while =)
Yea. MSN is hardly a necessary part of life. While it has its occasional use, it shouldn't take up such a big part of life. There are more productive things in the world. Many people live perfectly well and happy without internet, others wouldn't know what to do with themselves without it. It's a really sad reality.
Maybe this is why i'm "so behind". Because these are all lessons i'm learning consciously and unconsciously so that when the time comes, i automatically know how to combat issues and any other negative thing. hmmmm it's only because of bio, chem and physics that i've learned to study. Especially because of Mr. Lashley.
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