Monday, October 5, 2009

Rants & Anger

She speaks as if she knows what she's talking about and the class corrects her. The actual answer to her own question is the opposite to what she was saying. Her response followed: "I guess I didn't sleep well last night." One of a number of excuses she's given in the past. One to add to the list. "It's too early. My brain must be still sleeping." or "It's Friday." are among this list.

And she says it with a laugh. I'm sorry but I'm not laughing with her. I can't laugh off the fact that my education is in the hands of a woman who cannot teach the things that I require for my degree...for my career...for my future.

No teacher has ever pissed me off before. I'm so annoyed at her and I really just want her gone from my life. I don't want to hear her. I don't want to see her. I don't want any reminders of her existence. I want someone who can teach me. I care about my education. If I didn't have to attend 80% of my classes, I'd never show up to hers.

I'm so sick and tired of this.


*~Neesh~* said...

Awwww, hang in there gurlie =)

Mario said...

ahhh this is the post i was waiting for. This post has stuck with me since the first time i ever read it. What neesh said but is this the same hindi teacher? oh well, doesn't sound like it since u never mentioned her making excuses.