Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's A Beach Thing!

I had an amazing time at the beach today! It was a little lime we had going on for the first and second years to interact a bit more than we do at school...a casual setting for us to get along. =] Not a whole lot of people turned up but we all still had a lot of fun. I guess those who decided to stay home and do work missed out! =P

So I was watching the sunset this evening too. It was absolutely gorgeous and the horizon was totally clear of clouds. I always hear about the green flash that occurs just as the sun dips under the horizon but I didn't see it! I'm pretty sure people have told me that they've seen it but I didn't and I was making sure not to blink and everything! Quite the disappointment. =( So either this green flash doesn't exist or I was looking at the sun for too long as it was setting. I'll go with the former. =)

The last time the beach saw me was during August, if I remember correctly. So far it's seen me twice for the year! Amazing, huh? I live on an island with such wonderful beaches and yet I don't visit them often. Maybe once a year...three times if I really bother. It's nice though. I got me a sweet little tan today...hopefully no burns. =]

Hopefully, the next lime that's organised with the first and second years will have a much better turn would most likely be an end-of-semester sort of thing. But I'll most likely not get to go since I leave the island the day after our final exam. *sigh* Aw well.


Tammy said...

can picture you like a zombie staring at the sun lol cant wait for the pics and to see your tan :P

Mario said...

Beach time is usually a fun time. I hate when i'm enjoying myself but then it has to come to an end...just generally speaking. I haven't been to the beach in a while but i've been asking my father to take me fishing. Been having a craving for the sport lately.