Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wuthering Heights

I was staring at one of my bookshelves last night while waiting for my Dell to be responsive and I kept eyeing this one particular book: Wuthering Heights.

It's a book that I got from my Aunt years and years ago and it belonged to one of my cousins so it's fairly old. It's been sitting there on the shelf in its wonderfully nice cover for so many years. I attempted reading it awhile ago but it never did quite work out. I can't recall how much of it i managed to conquer but I'm pretty sure it wasn't much at all. I was probably about 11 or 12 and I really just couldn't handle the language! I believe I gave it another go around 14 but still it was too much...and so after the second attempt, it was placed on the shelf and has been settled there ever since.

So I picked up this age-old book to find the cover looking as nice as ever whilst the pages brown away on the inside. Yup. So old they've gone past yellow and started turning brown. Looks a little like parchment. I flipped the pages. I read two chapters. I needed a dictionary.
I don't know if you can really tell but it's not white as it should be...and the edges are the prettiest of browns

Haha it's quite sad really. I can take on the language now but the vocabulary is still as foreign to me as ever. In all of 2 chapters, I looked up about 5 words but no matter. I still found it enjoyable. Exams are coming up though, so I'll pick up from where I left off during the vacation...after I return from my trip.

There are many books for me to read over the vacation! And so little time to do it in. I guess we'll see how much I can accomplish in the new year. =]


Wayne said...

My favourite book of all time! I must have read it about 10 times.

& it's for the reasons you said, that I believe books like that should be used in the teaching of english. If you can grasp those, then you can handle anything :)

Amy said...

That's true! That's exactly what I thought when I started reading the book actually. "They should use books like this in English Lit." But then it's so big lol

I can't believe you've read it so many times! lol It seems interesting so I'm definitely gonna finish it this time!

Mario said...

Books, books, books, books and more books lol. It's a pity i'm not into them as much as i once was. I used to be an avid reader.