...a love sparked by Hong Kong
Having arrived in Hong Kong on the night of the 22nd, we had a 15 hour flight that was just slightly delayed at Newark Airport on the afternoon of the 21st.

view from The Peak on the night of Dec. 23.
Thursday December 24th 2009
"It's 2:45pm on Christmas eve and we're at Ocean Park having fun! Well actually, we're in the sun in the line to watch a show...not too sure which one it is but the queue is SUPER long! Feels like it's 27 degrees out with the sun hitting me and all.
So far we've seen a dolphin and seal show, all sorts of jelly fish and all sorts of other aquatic animals. Just got me this little purple jellyfish keyring. I'll probably hang it up in the car =).
I went on the Raging Water ride with my uncle and aunts. We got wet but it was fun. Including the rapid steep fall at the end. Yikes. Falls aren't my thing at all. Still fun though...adrenaline rush and all.
Last night we went to The Peak and saw these amazing views from one of HK's mountains. It was cold, foggy and beautiful. We also went around a bit and saw some really nice lights around Kowloon. We were in Admiralty and I'm told that it's the tourist's area. Everyone who works there must speak English and the environment is just totally different. The buildings in that area are also commercial so they all held stores and offices. Some stores were brand name like Yves Saint Laurent, Giorgio Armani and some others so they were, of course, expensive as well. We didn't stop off in any of them though. Just passed by them while riding a tram. My first time on a tram too!

A nicely kept place. Completely different from our area. Might've seen a few more private cars around too. Private cars aren't very common in Hong Kong.
I was rather sleepy last night...too much so to make an entry. Since about 8:30pm I was ready to knock out and managed to survive getting home around 11:00 pm even though I took short naps on the train and taxi ride home. Haha.
More later..."
And I never really got around to saying more about the day later on. I was really tired (again around 8:30pm) so I couldn't make another entry. But I kept up the next day =]
Friday December 25th 2009
"8:30 am on Christmas morning. We're going out for breakfast today. Wonder where to.
Yesterday after my entry, we went down the enormous length we climbed (by escalators) by cable car. It was quite nice. Then we went into Santa's Illusion place. It was incredibly fun! Then we went to look at the great pandas. They were both eating. I loved it. I love pandas. Got me the panda stuffed animal that I've been wanting, as well as a couple other things for people back home.

Then we left and went to have a bit of sushi. I didn't eat much since I still felt full from lunch. We went for dessert too. And we went to this super busy mall -Wachifield Mall- to see some lights. Glad we went even though there were so many people."

I didn't really make an entry on the evening of the 25th. We were home mostly. A friend of mine who's at university in Wuhan, China, was coming to Hong Kong to meet us on the 26th. That day I ate this sweet soup. My Mom told me what it was made of...most people wouldn't want to eat it but she said it was sweet and was good for the body. Oh yeah, and that it was expensive...really expensive to get. Bird saliva. Mmmm. Yup. A soup made of bird saliva.
Saturday December 26th 2009
"10:07pm Boxing Day. Spent the day with Justin today. It was super awesome. It helped that I had someone to talk to for a change =D
Justin speaks such good Mandarin...I honestly couldn't help but be amazed at how well he interacted with my uncle. He's my inspiration. I'd love to be able to be somewhat fluent as he is someday...although...that might be a bit hard to accomplish. My plan is to focus more on being studious for the next year (my new year's resolution) and restart learning Mandarin and keep up with it...somehow...
We took a tour bus around Central and went to the HK Space Museum then we walked around quite a bit looking at lights in the evening. We saw a lights show around 8. It was pretty cool. I love the idea of displaying lights from buildings for like 15 mins. Caught most of it on camera. Most..not all since the battery was dying.
We saw about 4 couples who just had a wedding. Four beautiful brides with four handsome grooms. Awwww. =]
All in all I had an amazing day! I love Hong Kong! And Justin does too!"
Sunday December 27th 2009
I wasn't feeling too well today...I started getting a cold. Either that or my nasal sinuses were really bothering me. Probably the reason I didn't bother making an entry this day. Whichever it was, I decided to stay home that day and sleep it off for a bit because my head started spinning when we went out for lunch. After my little nap, I felt better and we went out to a couple of malls to check out the Christmas decorations. The first one we went to was my favourite. It was Telford Plaza and there were stuffed bears everywhere!
Oh how I love stuffed animals! =D

Monday December 28th 2009
"11:39pm December 28th. We went to Disneyland today. I had loads of fun!
I took loads of pictures and videos! Lots to look back on in time. And to show off to people. =)
I went on Space Mountain! The boldest attempt at adventure I've had...ever. I normally don't do stuff that initiates tachycardia at the thought of being on it. It helped that I couldn't see what was coming being in the dark and having my glasses off. It was sooo much fun though!!! xD.
Watched a bunch of shows then we stuck around to see the fireworks at 9. They were awesome!!! We got these special glasses..sorta..that allowed you to see lights in a snowflake-like fashion. Video was taken of course...by my phone not camera since my battery was sorta dead. Hopefully the quality's still good though. =)
Tomorrow's our last day in HK then we're off to the airport Wednesday morning. Part of me wants to go back home but another (major) part is begging to stay! It's now somewhat a goal of mine to have the experience of living here. Definitely."
I guess I got a little bold this trip...having gone on two rather thrilling rides that I normally prefer to watch people survive on. =]
i was jealous simply because of your pics on facebook, but now that u've described ur trip...i'm on the verge of hating you lol jk. Hong Kong looks like a wonderful place to visit and there are definitely more things to do in terms of fun. how many times have we walked around sheraton? lol
so ur goal is to live there at some point, mine is to visit..definitely!!!!
loll.. i remember going on Space Mountain (obviously not in HK) but in Disney World, and as soon as i got on, i started to cry and by the time i got into the dark part of the ride, i was looking for a way to get off through my tears lolllll.
Buttt... HK looks soooo coool. I can definitely see tht u had a blast! XD
@Tammy: lol yes! you should definitely visit there sometime! And I should definitely move there sometime!! lolol at least temporarily =] It would be great to have the experience of living there on my own...even though my Mom is gonna force down my family to watch over me constantly and have me live with them but they have their own lives so no matter =D
@Neesh: Really??? I was all excited about it! I don't have the pic up on facebook but i took a pic of the pic they took of us on the ride (i wasnt about to buy it when it was so obviously displayed without supervision =P) I LOVE IT! Quite adventurous for the very mellow me, you know? =P
hahah yup. I gotya, and its hilarious the pics tht they show of u on the ride. There was a pic of me where my mouth was blown up like a blow-fish! lolll
lol i can just imagine how the two of you would look on that ride and
@Miori ye if i were at Disney World I'd probably do out of character stuff, especially since you never know when you'd have the opportunity again.
*sighs* Barbados NEEDS an amusement park. But knowing the people here it'd probably be lame.
And wouldn't it be fun if we all got to go to Hong Kong together.Let's make it happen ladies!!! lol
lol oh please! For years the group's been talking about travelling to another island in the Caribbean and THAT still hasn't happened yet!!
And btw it was DisneyLAND not Disney World. Difference. =]
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