Sunday, January 24, 2010

A New Semester

The new semester starts tomorrow morning at 8:10 a.m.!

This semester looks like it'll be a good semester and I'll do my best to ensure it remains that way. I'm looking forward to the classes. This semester we study the central nervous system and the urogenital system. I've always been one to be interested in topics about the brain and how it functions so I can't wait.

This semester I will very willingly make the sacrifices that I have to make. There are things that I do well without now after depriving myself of them over time, like MSN messenger. I visit Skype on occasion and google talk here and there but IM-ing for me is only for when I need to get into contact with someone. I've become bored of Facebook and I use Twitter every now and then.

Now's the time to concentrate on the important things.

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