I've been corresponding with a friend in Jamaica via email lately and only recently discovered a startling fact. Non-UK trained medical graduates will not be eligible to apply for posts by the NHS. How disappointing.
For a little while, I wanted to do some medical training in England if I got the chance but recently changed my mind to Hong Kong (and I've been obsessed with it ever since). I guess it's a good thing I had a change of heart! It would've been nice to have had the option anyway, though.

All this got me thinking and I realised that I had no idea what it would take for an individual such as myself to be able to practice in Hong Kong. And so, I made use of Google. Turns out, I would have to take Hong Kong's Medical Licensing Examination after having completed 5-years of full time medical training (thank goodness my degree is 5 years long instead of 4 years like in some other universities!) and a 12 month internship. After having passed this 3-part examination, then I'm entitled to a 12 month internship period. Once this is successfully completed, I'm free to register as a medical practitioner with the Medical Council of Hong Kong.
Of course, after acquiring this set of information, I've mapped out the next 10 years of my life. I'm really set on Hong Kong. I love what I'm learning and will continue to do so; I'll laugh through the hardships; I have huge dreams to which I aspire and I know one day I will reap the merits of achievement. This is what lies in my heart and it is this that gave birth to my own little mantra:
Love. Learn. Laugh. Dream. Aspire. Achieve.
Every time I see this, I remind myself to take one step at a time while keeping my eyes fixed on the goal. I don't know very much about the healthcare system in Hong Kong but I'll definitely educate myself in the system and the language.
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