We did a pharmacology lab in which we tested the effects of the drug, Vasopressin (ADH), on some toads. We were originally supposed to do the experiment on frogs but it turns out there are only whistling frogs in Barbados and we couldn't use them. I have no idea why but they're everywhere!
Our lab consisted of two toads, a control (which we injected a normal saline solution into) and the other one. =] Somehow we ended up with two of the largest toads in the class, weighing almost 100 g each.
It was one of the most fun labs I've had since entering medical school. I didn't actually handle the toads. But if I had to then I guess I would've. I'm not afraid of handling them but I wouldn't go out of my way just to do so. I'm sure I can live through my life without having to hold down or inject a toad. I was the timer, though! I got to sit and watch the time for 20 minutes per toad. Lovely. =]
We didn't do anything to kill our little toads though! It was just an injection of a drug and submersion in water for 20 minutes for 5 cycles. ADH just keeps water from leaving the toad's body. Unfortunately, one group in the lab had a toad that met its death. Poor thing. It was a small toad and I think the potency of the drug was too much for it. May the little guy rest in peace.
All in all, today was a fun day! It was quite entertaining to see girls running and even moulding themselves into the wall away from the toads. And, of course, toads trying to escape was the trigger of the squealing in class.
In the end, they got to go and roam free in the wild once more.
Now, where's that rain that I've been asking for?
1 comment:
that is soooo cool and i agree with u,i would only holding it if i had too.
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